
The Caribbean has it all. Year-round sun, crystal blue seas, white sand, some of the most amazing dive sites in the world, fascinating flora and fauna, vibrant music, luxury shopping and Indians! There are 13 independent countries that make up the Caribbean and each one is as different and diverse to another. From 1838 to 1917, over half a million Indians from the former British Raj were taken to thirteen mainland and island nations in the Caribbean as indentured workers to address the demand for sugar cane plantation labour following the abolition of slavery. The migrations led to a significant presence of people of Indian origin, (close to 3 million), that today call the Caribbean home. They continue to prosper in countries like Guyana, St Lucia, St Kitts and Nevis, Grenada, Jamaica, Trinidad and Tobago, Martinique and St Vincent. There are also small communities in The Bahamas, Antigua and Barbuda, Barbados, Belize and Dominican Republic (to name a few!). Join us as we discover, celebrate and learn more about who we have become. Our Global Indian Caribbean journey has begun.


Podcast in caribbean

Articles in caribbean

University of the West Indies (UWI):  BA Theology degree that discriminates 

University of the West Indies (UWI):  BA Theology degree that discriminates  It sits innocently in the Undergraduate Humanities Programmes list, alphabetically bookended by Theatre Arts and Visual Arts. Yet the University of the West Indies (UWI) Bachelor of Arts BA Theology degree is a jarring testament to the religious and ethnic discrimination that still exists […]


The Significance of the Humanities & Social Sciences

Education Trends in the Indian Diaspora: The Significance of the Humanities & Social Sciences Every year, the Caribbean Examination Council (CXC) and other examining bodies and education ministries in the region announce CXC results in the same format: (1) the number of public and private candidates who sat the exams in the respective country or […]


President Donald Ramotar and Global Indian Ambassador presents to CCWU 5th Triennial Delegates’ Conference

  Introduction Thank you for giving me this opportunity to be the Guest Speaker to your 5th Triennial Delegates’ Conference. It is indeed an honor to speak to your delegates and guests since some of the founders and very early members of your Union were members and founders of the political party which I have […]


Citizenship by Investment-Bedtime Reading

Welcome to The Global Indian Series Book Review: Citizenship by Investment-Bedtime Reading Today, we put two books under the microscope. Ius Doni in International Law and Eu Law (Theory and Practice of Public International Law)  Our first book is from the eminent pen of Christian Kälin,  the doyen of Citizenship by investment, not to mention […]


The World Facing Grave Dangers

This year marks sixty years since the world came to the very brink of nuclear war. The event hascome to be known as the “Cuban Missile Crisis”. We now know from the documents releasedfrom the US State Department, the Kennedy papers and more recently from the archive in theformer Soviet Union that we were really […]


“It’s never been cool for you to call me coolie” – Indo-Jamaican Melissa Dean

Melissa Dean is an Indo-Jamaican Masters student at Queens University in Canada. Her cultural background as well as her passion for advocacy and equity issues drives her to express her interests through spoken-word poetry. “I am Indo-Jamaican” is the first public performance of her poetry. Her great grandmother was born on a ship carrying indentured […]


The Price of Citizenship?

With the rise in anti-Indian sentiment in countries such as South Africa coupled with tougher anti-immigration policies in the Northern and Southern hemisphere, we children of the Indian diaspora, increasingly need to look our futures. Life in South Africa has become intolerable for many Indians. The riots of 2021 will leave scars for many years […]


A room with 3 walls and an interesting Swing – Ladera Hotel the beauty of St Lucia

Driving through winding forests, coast lines, and villages en route to an iconic resort, on bucket lists across the globe, our hearts were  beating  faster  the  further  south  we  ventured.  From  the  international  airport,  the resort isn’t far, but coming from the north of the island, the trek seemed like the perfect  journey  to  a  […]


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Ep#65 Immunity and Wellbeing with Ayurveda with Dr. Rani Iyer

Explore the power of Ayurveda, an ancient Indian system of medicine, to boost your child's immunity and overall well-being. Our guest, Dr. Rani Iyer, a seasoned Ayurvedic practitioner with three decades of experience, shares her insights on: 1. Natural immunity building 2. Ayurvedic remedies for common childhood illnesses 3. The drawbacks of antibiotics and processed […]

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