Brown Business – Inside Suriname with Rekha Bissumbhar
admin|March 29, 2023
Brown Business – Inside Suriname with Rekha Bissumbhar
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Welcome to Brown Business, an official inside portal to people, places and opportunities that keep you ahead of the curve.
In this episode, I sit down to explore the smallest sovereign nation of South America, Suriname, which is home to a large community of Global Indians and seems to be at odds with its own future. On one hand it boasts a mineral rich and highly diversified ecological environment and on the other, increasing pressures from outside stakeholders to become environmentally aware and diversify away from carbon-based industries.
With guest Rekha Bissumbhar, Director of Upstream at Staatsolie and the new chair for Suriname’s leading business networking group VSB, we deep-dive into the difficult questions facing a nation that is aiming to transform itself to a regional powerhouse, but is plagued with high inflation, increasing debt and deep government uncertainty.
This is a must-listen to, when trust, confidence and familiarity are essential when considering investing in Suriname.
The Global Indian Series follows the international travels of the Chief Explorer Rajan Nazran as he journeys across the globe, plunging into the human experience behind our perception of identity, whilst taking a second look at the countries the diaspora call home and tackling the big conversations.
Brown Business is an official inside portal to countries, opportunities and solutions that keep the community ahead of the curve. We explore the genuine challenges and prospects in locations with trusted perspectives from those in the know.
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Support change: A little favour to ask-We believe true freedom is to be able to act without fear or favour and that identity is not a “brand” to be abused, politicized, or reduced for personal gain. As Global Indians, the need to work together is greater now than ever before. If we want to see real change, we need to create a better society for all, tackle injustice and plunge into the many aspects of what the human experience truly offers.The Global Indian Series has been built to be a platform of integrity, fairness and to remain fiercely independent of political influence. We are the first in the world to connect with every echelon of society with all human voices being treated equally. We are the first to have travelled physically to locations far and wide, often putting our own lives on the line to bring forward stories that deserve to be told. Whether it’s through our Podcast that delves into the human experience behind identity, our articles and features that cover key events we need to know, or live based events that tackle topical discussions, we have been there to support a better community and planet.Despite the high costs and time needed to maintain our work, we continue, because we know our work has helped more people understand what is happening within the communities across our planet, why it matters, and how, together, we can demand progress. We challenge head-on, the silent divisions that have crept into our collective consciousness and how to tackle key issues that often go neglected in mainstream media.How you can help:Please share our work: By collaborating with others who share our values, our combined voices make change, with many more becoming inspired to take meaningful action.Subscribe to the platform:Many from across our community have decided to subscribe to our platform. It helps us grow which in turns attracts like-minded supporters. If you have not already, we would appreciate you subscribing to our newsletters and following our social media accounts. It is free and supports our journey.
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