Welcome to Brown Business – an official inside portal to countries, opportunities and solutions that keep you ahead of the curve.
In this episode, renowned Arbitrator Baiju Vasani is joined by power panellists Tanya Goddard, FCIArb, Shan Greer, Megan Paget-Brown and Sid Jiwnani as they have an open discussion around the role of arbitration centres and technology in the Caribbean and the developing ties between Global Indians and the region. With laughter, provoking insights and a proven blueprint to follow, you will be enthralled by the highly practical conversation.
About the Guests
Baiju Vasani: International Arbitration Barrister and Arbitrator at Twenty Essex
Tanya Goddard
Secretary General,
Arbitration and Mediation Court of the Caribbean (AMCC)
Megan Paget-Brown
Chief Executive OfficerChief Executive Officer
Cayman International Mediation and Arbitration Centre Ltd. https://www.linkedin.com/in/megan-paget-brown-1070253a/
Shan Greer
Chief Executive Officer I BVI International Arbitration Centre
International Arbitrator, Adjudicator, Dispute Board Member and Counsel
Sid Jiwnani
Solicitor - Director (Europe) @ Knovos formerly Capital Novus
About the Global Indian Series- Brown Business:
The Global Indian Series follows the international travels of the Chief Explorer Rajan Nazran as he journeys across the globe, plunging into the human experience behind our perception of identity, whilst taking a second look at the countries the diaspora call home and tackling the big conversations.
Brown Business is an official inside portal to countries, opportunities and solutions that keep the community ahead of the curve. We explore the genuine challenges and prospects in locations with trusted perspectives from those in the know.
How to get involved:
Visit www.globalindianseries.com or email rajan@globalindianseries.com
Producer – Global Indian Series/NazranRoth
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