Daniel Traca of Nova Business School inspiring the minds of tomorrow">


Daniel takes me for a tour of the “real world” driven university grounds and leads me through a remarkable journey where I witness images that are more in keeping with the tech halls of Google than something I would consider to be your stereotypical university.


Building Europe’s California

Sitting with Chitra (Chitra Stern Nee Rathinasabapathy ) is nothing short of a  soulful experience. She is universal in her  mindset whilst being deeply rooted to her  own unique Indian-ness and simultaneously  challenges any notion of stereotypical  identity. If there were ever a Jason Bourne  of the Indian world she would be it. With  her colourful […]

Global Indian Ambassador Donald Ramotar">

Ending Identity Politics-guyana

Guyana racism and injustice – Guyana is often described as the  land of six people. Indo Guyanese  make up the majority of the population  and our legacy started from  over 180 years ago as we arrived  from India as bonded labor for the  sugar estates after the emancipation  of African slaves by the British. Our  country […]


National Reserve of India

India is the only country that has an  official acronym for its expatriates-  NRIs or “Non-Resident Indians”.  In my book, India: From Midnight  to Millennium I had suggested, only  half-jokingly, that the question is  whether NRI should stand for ‘Not  Really Indian’ or, instead, ‘Never  Relinquished India’. But in reality,  given the remarkable achievements  of […]


The Wanderlust Lifestyle

Meet the Samrow Family – Portugal By Depinder Samrow Born to a father working in the Ministry ofForeign Affairs and without a permanentaddress or office, had its perks. The biggestwas getting a stature of “ World Citizen”.When I was five years old, my voyage intoforeign lands began, starting with Cairo,Egypt. After living there for 4 […]

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Ep#65 Immunity and Wellbeing with Ayurveda with Dr. Rani Iyer

Explore the power of Ayurveda, an ancient Indian system of medicine, to boost your child's immunity and overall well-being. Our guest, Dr. Rani Iyer, a seasoned Ayurvedic practitioner with three decades of experience, shares her insights on: 1. Natural immunity building 2. Ayurvedic remedies for common childhood illnesses 3. The drawbacks of antibiotics and processed […]

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