11 Indian Words used in English and How they help us rethink the Indian Diaspora


11 Indian Words used in English and How they help us rethink the Indian Diaspora

  India has contributed dozens of words to the English language. This is a testament not only to the richness of Hindi, Urdu and Hindustani but also to the peculiar way the English language, perhaps more than any other, has of absorbing words from other languages.  English and ‘Indianness’ Inevitably, English has shaped notions of […]


A plunge of the heartstrings

I was asked recently in an interview why I set up the Global Indian Series and what it means to my personal experience. It was both thought-provoking as well as illuminating to myself to actively deep-dive into my 58 country journeys so far and more than a decade long of experience of making friendships in […]

Rajan Nazran meets Pm Meles Zenawi">

East Africa and the need for a new narrative- Uganda

It was the community stories of the Ugandan Asians who arrived as refugees that captured everyone’s attention. It was a turning point in our collective view on how we were perceived and the dangers that lurked.


The Self Indulgence

Discovering the fountain of youth in St Lucia For the person who wants the most out of life, whose calendar reads more like a novel than a schedule, whose body feels more like a rusty tava than a temple, The Body Holiday is the closest thing to the fountain of youth you will ever encounter. […]


Why you should travel solo

By Fellow traveller Neha Bhatia I was going through a rough patch in my life, my marriage of 2 years was falling apart, and I was separated and living alone in Delhi, India. It’s difficult taking this stand, where I come from. My parents were my biggest strength, their support for my decision gave me […]


Journey to Ethiopia

Field notes: Welcome to this ancient country that boasts a unique cultural heritage, rich history, UNESCO World Heritage Sites and a pluralistic society.   It is a country where you can get easily lost within its skin as its home to the fourth holiest Islamic city, medieval rock churches, the world famous Simien and Bale […]



By Rajan Nazran and a special thank you to West Midlands Kabaddi I was born in Handsworth, Birmingham in the early 80’s and whether for the good or bad, the area has changed dramatically. Since leaving and travelling the globe with my work, I have always had a sentimental affiliation with my place of birth. […]

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Ep#65 Immunity and Wellbeing with Ayurveda with Dr. Rani Iyer

Explore the power of Ayurveda, an ancient Indian system of medicine, to boost your child's immunity and overall well-being. Our guest, Dr. Rani Iyer, a seasoned Ayurvedic practitioner with three decades of experience, shares her insights on: 1. Natural immunity building 2. Ayurvedic remedies for common childhood illnesses 3. The drawbacks of antibiotics and processed […]

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