The Secrets of Citizenship by Investment They Don’t Want You to know

Citizenship by investment for Global Indians">

The Secrets of Citizenship by Investment They Don’t Want You to know

Seen through a South Asian prism, Citizenship and Residency by Investment Programmes are looking an increasingly attractive proposition. A snap shot brief  for PIOs considering Citizenship by investment and residency.  Life is hard for many people of the Indian diaspora. From the riots in South Africa to the racial tensions in many Caribbean islands, many […]


Why The Super-Rich Love Citizenship by Investment

Fear + money makes for a powerful cocktail. If you are ultra-rich, keen to protect your business interests and your family, then you will stop at nothing to do so. Naturally, if you and your family are interested in acquiring citizenship of another country, then you want to see a good return with your investment. […]


Citizenship by Investment-“Fools Rush in where Angels fear to Tread”

Alexander Pope had the right of it when he said: “Nay, fly to Altars; there they’ll talk you dead;For Fools rush in where Angels fear to tread.” This applies as much to Citizenship by Investment as to anything else. If you are a person of means and want to acquire citizenship or residency in another […]

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Ep#67 Brain Mapping to Chose Your Apt Career

Confused about your teens career choices? In this insightful episode, we explore the fascinating world of brain mapping and how it can guide children toward their strengths and passions, especially during crucial career decision-making years. Our guest, Dr. Sweta Adatia, a renowned neurologist and founder of Zebra-Brain, shares her expertise on how understanding the unique […]

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