“India’s Decision to Abstain from the UN vote on Russia was craven” Discuss


“India’s Decision to Abstain from the UN vote on Russia was craven” Discuss

Today, with your leave, we are going to try something a bit different on The Global Indian Series: a debate. Our motion is as follows: ‘This House believes that India’s decision to abstain from U.N. vote against Russia was craven” https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&q=Ibdia+abstain+UN+ In the interests of fairness, we shall put forward both sides of the argument, […]


The World Facing Grave Dangers

This year marks sixty years since the world came to the very brink of nuclear war. The event hascome to be known as the “Cuban Missile Crisis”. We now know from the documents releasedfrom the US State Department, the Kennedy papers and more recently from the archive in theformer Soviet Union that we were really […]

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Ep#67 Brain Mapping to Chose Your Apt Career

Confused about your teens career choices? In this insightful episode, we explore the fascinating world of brain mapping and how it can guide children toward their strengths and passions, especially during crucial career decision-making years. Our guest, Dr. Sweta Adatia, a renowned neurologist and founder of Zebra-Brain, shares her expertise on how understanding the unique […]

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