How Diverse is diversity?


How Diverse is diversity?

Despite being the second-largest ethnic group in the UK, British Asians are conspicuous by their near absence from most adverts, programmes (terrestrial, streaming on otherwise).  Stereotypes abound. People of Indian origin still tend to play doctors, scientists and when they are cast against type, it all too often feels like tokenism. If the advert wants […]


Stay in Your Lane: Hyundai will think twice before its next political activist tweet

By Hardeep Singh  Photo: Sam Panthaky Original article Stay in your lane | Hardeep Singh | The Critic Magazine Some corporates have an established track record of acting as if they were Harvard educated foreign policy analysts. Take Ben & Jerry’s recent tweet about Biden’s military response to Russian brinkmanship. Indeed it’s a fascinating opinion […]

Rajan Nazran with young writer Larra Nazran">


My daughter Larra wrote this – at the time she was 6. She entered a literary competition for Black Lives Matter. She did not make it into the finals, but for me, the theme and how it was tackled by her could be a lesson that we can all learn from our children. It looks […]

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Ep#67 Brain Mapping to Chose Your Apt Career

Confused about your teens career choices? In this insightful episode, we explore the fascinating world of brain mapping and how it can guide children toward their strengths and passions, especially during crucial career decision-making years. Our guest, Dr. Sweta Adatia, a renowned neurologist and founder of Zebra-Brain, shares her expertise on how understanding the unique […]

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