Is the once vaunted ANC even capable of producing a president who can carry himself to two terms successfully?
"Oh what a tangled web we weave when we first practice to deceive"
Mr. President
The Ides of March is upon you, beware - and there is no Shakespearean soothsayer to brighten the gloom of a dawn you once boasted about.
The Brutus's are indeed hovering ominously - circling, baying, with hyena cries - seeking yet another presidential demise, and you are the perfect bull's eye on which to score (no pun intended)
That there is prima facie evidence to suggest that you have just cause to answer for with regard to the highly questionable "theft" of monies from a mattress that occurred on your Phala Phala farm - monies that were allegedly paid in lieu of the sale of your prized Ankole cattle - means that your answer has to exonerate you beyond any reasonable doubts.
The court of public opinion, while oftentimes an emotional and sensationalist court, does have elements of validity and truism associated with it and you are now Accused number One.
It is sad but reflective on you that you allowed this matter to reach the level it has, because if you conducted yourself as you would have expected your subjects to conduct themselves, then this discussion or turn of events would have been moot.
Your oath of office, your allegiance to the constitution of the Republic of South Africa and your leadership is now under microscopic scrutiny - and like the Covid-19 virus - the trajectory of mutations of the germ you "created" upin yourself as this saga goes on, is very, very real.
As head of state, your duty was to lead the country by example and not to degenerate into any clandestine activity that may lead to misapprehensions or suspicions or indeed any misgivings that would have laid bare such activity.
If what is to happen means that you are going to hell in a handbasket, then it is your very own fault.
With burgeoning crime in the country the way it currently is, would you then not advise the average citizen to report a theft immediately to the SAPS so that it could be investigated as per any other crime, or was the theft on your farm a mutually exclusive act of criminality that merited a presidential approach that was different from any other citizen in the country?
Mr. President, you are now way behind the eight ball in the travails that await you and like the Goldilocks "just right" moment, your absolute veridicality is demanded as the impending Sword of Democles awaits your brittle jugular.
I trust that when all is said and done, that you will do the right thing and evince the entire country of what exactly transpired else we may surely have another "Night of the Long Knives" in your party, the ANC, that, barring the Mandela presidency, could not as yet produce a two-term president without controversy or complications.
Mr. President, the exacting aphorism of one of my favourite poems by Walter Scott, " Marmion: A Tale of Flodden Field, "Oh what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive" is now rather portentous.
Narendh Ganesh
Global Indian Correspondent - South Africa