CBI in The Caribbean- Is it Doomed?


CBI in The Caribbean- Is it Doomed?

CBI has been a real boon to many wealthy people, many of them of Indian origin. In an uncertain world where anti-Indian sentiment appears to be on the rise, when many South Asians do not feel welcome in the countries which they call home and where the tax burden becomes ever heavier, Citizenship and residency […]


Is Citizenship by Investment the answer to the World’s Ills?

The short answer is ‘no’. However, there are ways in which migration investment when carried out ethically can be a good thing for local people. Any country worth its salt these days has a Citizen by Investment Programme. Some are good, some are bad and some are indifferent. If you are rich, then Citizenship by […]


Why The Super-Rich Love Citizenship by Investment

Fear + money makes for a powerful cocktail. If you are ultra-rich, keen to protect your business interests and your family, then you will stop at nothing to do so. Naturally, if you and your family are interested in acquiring citizenship of another country, then you want to see a good return with your investment. […]


Citizenship by Investment-“Fools Rush in where Angels fear to Tread”

Alexander Pope had the right of it when he said: “Nay, fly to Altars; there they’ll talk you dead;For Fools rush in where Angels fear to tread.” This applies as much to Citizenship by Investment as to anything else. If you are a person of means and want to acquire citizenship or residency in another […]


A room with 3 walls and an interesting Swing – Ladera Hotel the beauty of St Lucia

Driving through winding forests, coast lines, and villages en route to an iconic resort, on bucket lists across the globe, our hearts were  beating  faster  the  further  south  we  ventured.  From  the  international  airport,  the resort isn’t far, but coming from the north of the island, the trek seemed like the perfect  journey  to  a  […]

Inside St Lucia - Global Indian Travel">

The Charm of the St Lucia

  There is something about St Lucia, a particular Eastern Caribbean Charm. The island has admittedly terrible roads, it’s missing signs and directions, yet no matter where  you’re  heading  it’s  lush , beautiful and culturally immersive.  The capital city isn’t  overly  enticing  though  during  carnival  it  feels  as  though  all  the  energy  in  the  world  […]

Rayneau Gajadhar joins Rajan Nazran on the Global Indian Series Podcast">


In today’s episode, Rajan travels to Saint Lucia to meet Rayneau Gajadhar, a household name and global Indian. From selling ice cream to operating quarries, Rayneau has lived the Saint Lucian dream and is now owner of one of the largest construction comp…

Rajan NAzran sits down with Guy Joseph to discuss the Global Indian experience in St Lucia">


The Podcast:
In today’s episode, Rajan travels to St Lucia in the Caribbean to meet with politician and renowned social custodian Honourable Guy Joseph, Minister for Economic Development in St Lucia and person of Indian origin.
Approximately 5000 persons…

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Ep#67 Brain Mapping to Chose Your Apt Career

Confused about your teens career choices? In this insightful episode, we explore the fascinating world of brain mapping and how it can guide children toward their strengths and passions, especially during crucial career decision-making years. Our guest, Dr. Sweta Adatia, a renowned neurologist and founder of Zebra-Brain, shares her expertise on how understanding the unique […]

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