Breaking Barriers: LGBTQ+ Marriage Equality in a Historic Ruling

Breaking Barriers: LGBTQ+ Marriage Equality in a Historic Ruling, the fight for love and acceptance in India.">

Breaking Barriers: LGBTQ+ Marriage Equality in a Historic Ruling

Breaking Barriers: LGBTQ+ Marriage Equality in a Historic Ruling — India Supreme Court Weighing Down The Equality In Love  As petitions seeking marriage equality move to the Supreme Court, the judiciary may soon determine whether Indian family law’s exclusion of relationships outside the male-female binary violates the constitutional rights of LGBTQ+ people. While constitutional arguments […]

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Ep#67 Brain Mapping to Chose Your Apt Career

Confused about your teens career choices? In this insightful episode, we explore the fascinating world of brain mapping and how it can guide children toward their strengths and passions, especially during crucial career decision-making years. Our guest, Dr. Sweta Adatia, a renowned neurologist and founder of Zebra-Brain, shares her expertise on how understanding the unique […]

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