Dowry: A Curse In The Life Of A Indian Woman

Dowry: A curse in the life of an married Indian woman">

Dowry: A Curse In The Life Of A Indian Woman

Dowry: A Curse In The Life Of A Married Indian Woman – Is dowry a tradition or a trap? A question that goes through most Indian young women who are married off to men working or studying abroad. Besides, before the wedding, the bride’s family and the bride are under the impression that the groom […]


CBI in The Caribbean- Is it Doomed?

CBI has been a real boon to many wealthy people, many of them of Indian origin. In an uncertain world where anti-Indian sentiment appears to be on the rise, when many South Asians do not feel welcome in the countries which they call home and where the tax burden becomes ever heavier, Citizenship and residency […]


What’s in a name? The Politics of Naming

“What’s in a name?” as Juliet so famously asks. ‘”That which we call a rose/ By any other name would smell as sweet.” Or would it? Names matter. They enshrine identity. Indeed, they enact it. Names tell their own (his)stories and silence others. They are not mere labels. They carry a freight of associations which […]

Citizenship by investment for Global Indians">

The Secrets of Citizenship by Investment They Don’t Want You to know

Seen through a South Asian prism, Citizenship and Residency by Investment Programmes are looking an increasingly attractive proposition. A snap shot brief  for PIOs considering Citizenship by investment and residency.  Life is hard for many people of the Indian diaspora. From the riots in South Africa to the racial tensions in many Caribbean islands, many […]

"Coolie" and the reason it needs to stop">

“It’s never been cool for you to call me coolie” – Indo-Jamaican Melissa Dean

Melissa Dean is an Indo-Jamaican Masters student at Queens University in Canada. Her cultural background as well as her passion for advocacy and equity issues drives her to express her interests through spoken-word poetry. “I am Indo-Jamaican” is the first public performance of her poetry. Her great grandmother was born on a ship carrying indentured […]


11 Indian Words used in English and How they help us rethink the Indian Diaspora

  India has contributed dozens of words to the English language. This is a testament not only to the richness of Hindi, Urdu and Hindustani but also to the peculiar way the English language, perhaps more than any other, has of absorbing words from other languages.  English and ‘Indianness’ Inevitably, English has shaped notions of […]

Professor Lal dies in exile">

Indo-Fijian Scholar Dies in Exile

It is tragic that one of our most acclaimed scholars should die in exile, declared persona non grata by the Bainimarama Government, says Fiji Labour Party leader and former prime minister Mahendra Chaudhry. He made the comment in a statement issued yesterday in the wake of news of Prof Brij Vilash Lal’s death in Brisbane, […]


Miss Universe: The Planet and our Borders

When the 21-year-old Harnaaz Sandhu from the Punjab was crowned Miss Universe, India rejoiced. And why not? When she did her cat impression, they laughed. When she said: “Never compromise on your hobby because that could lead to your dream career” they nodded sagely. There she was with her sash emblazoned with ‘Miss India’ -a […]

a-response-to-rramharacks-anti-jaganism article by Donald Ramotar">

Former President of Guyana Donald Ramotar Launches scathing attack on Anti-Jaganism

It was with a great deal of sadness that I read Ramharack’s lengthy article in the “Stabroek News” of November 28, 2021 headlined “Re-imagining Cheddi Jagan: Cultural Moorings and Political Recklessness”: The author is a well-known anti-Jaganist, one of those middle-class Indians who hates Jagan’s pro-working class politics. First of all, he, like so many […]


Giving your Child a Good Education with Melissa Maria

A very special guest today. It is a our great hoour and privilege to have Ms. Melissa Maria, Principal of GIIS SMART Campus, Punggol, Singapore. Ms. Melissa has over 25 years of experience in the field of education and administration in first-rate schools in Mumbai, Oman and Singapore. Listen to the full episode so as […]


Nutrition: Facts & Myths Part II

In today’s episode, Himani and Kalyani chat to Ms. Meenu Agarwal, an eminent clinical dietician and trainer who has helped more than 7000 clients globally and is also a mother of a cricketing daughter. Meenu dispels many myths and has much to say about children’s nutrition. Some of the main topics she addresses are What […]


Nutrition: Facts & Myths Part I

Ensuring that our children are well feed is vital,  particularly so given the plethora of so-called healthy products on the shelves.  Making the right choice can be bewildering. In this episode Dr.Vibhusha Jambhekar, a PhD in Human Nutrition, will give us the low down  on nutrition. Dr.Vibhusha Jambhekar. Is milk really good for our children? […]


Sensitivity & Emotional Challenges

Why are kids are so sensitive these days? Why do they just cry even for the smallest things? How to deal with Tantrums and unending demands? Should I punish my child for his bad behaviour or is he too young? Every time my daughter does not win a prize or even a star in school […]

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Ep#67 Brain Mapping to Chose Your Apt Career

Confused about your teens career choices? In this insightful episode, we explore the fascinating world of brain mapping and how it can guide children toward their strengths and passions, especially during crucial career decision-making years. Our guest, Dr. Sweta Adatia, a renowned neurologist and founder of Zebra-Brain, shares her expertise on how understanding the unique […]

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